Organic Water Treatments
Organic Water Solutions

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Organic Water Treatments

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The Birth of Bio Clean


Dave developed a passion for the Aquaculture Industry in 1977, as He knew that it could become the answer to feed millions of Poor People around the World and it would not be Part of the Capitalistic System used today. As an Aquarium Hoddyist, He started researching water The Life Source for all mankind.


In 2003 Dave finally made the breakthrough in His research by miraculously designing a 100% Non Toxic Purely Organic Water Treatment that heals, balances and controls Water Ecology Organically. Most unbelievable part was that it was the only Organic Water Treatment until now that can destroy Blue Green Algae. Little did He know how revolutionary, essential, and beneficial it will be to not only the Aquaculture Industry but to all the industries related to Water or need to control Water. His findings is being confirmed by leading South African institutes like The University of Stellenbosch, intrigued Professors, Doctors, Chemical and Water Engineers, who was totally amazed by His findings with these revolutionary Organic Water Treatments.This Product was then Name Bio Clean.  


  The Composition and Ecological Action

The Water-Based solutions of the plant extracts are formulated to be applied in different mixtures and concentrates. The treatment is designed to naturally control and maintain the Sediment layer and bring the Water back to its natural state.


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  Apply Our Treatments

Our 100% Non Toxic Purely Organic Water Treatments can be applied to Heal Unbalanced or polluted Water,  " Break down, isolate dangerous waste materials and gasses while restoring a natural balance. ", " Neutralize the waste materials and the overripe stage in the sedimentary layer.” " Eliminate and prevent rotting. ", " Neutralize the bad odors ", " Control and balances algae and plant growth, preventing an over growth that will result in an unbalanced ecology."



BIO CLEAN is a 100% Non Toxic Purely Organic Water Treatment and is recomended in the treatment and maintaining of the Sediment layers, which in an unbalanced state, is the Breeding Ground for dangerous viruses like Ecoli ect. It will also immediately prevent over production and lower excisting Micronutrient levels resulting in very low Ammonia, Nitrades ect. levels, and it will destroy all bad odors.